Community Involvement
Karen has lived in Manorville together with her husband, Richard C. Kesnig Esq., since 1990. They have raised their four children in Manorville and sent them through the Eastport South Manor school district. They have been extremely active in the Manorville community.
Karen has been a trustee on the Eastport South Manor Board of Education since 1997. She has served as either President or Vice President of the Board of Education for eleven of these years. During this time, she was instrumental in the merger of the Eastport School District with the South Manor School district and the opening of the Eastport South Manor Junior Senior High School in 2003. She has been an active member and Chairperson of the Legislative Committee continuously seeking state aid for her school district.
Karen's husband Richard C. Kesnig helped found the Manorville Chamber of Commerce in 2003. Since its inception, Karen has been actively involved in the Chamber and is currently serving as its President. In addition to promoting business, Karen has made it a priority for the Manorville Chamber of Commerce to work with all groups on the community to increase the safety on Manorville roads.
Karen was appointed to the Board of Directors of the not for profit agency Aid to the Developmentally Disabled Inc. in May 2011. She is now actively involved with this board and hopes to be able to educate others in the community about all the services that can be provided to adults with disabilities.
In March 2013, Karen was appointed to the Town of Brookhaven Planning Board.
In addition to all of the above local service, Karen has also been an active participant in the Suffolk County Bar Association and currently serves as Co-Chairperson of the Grievance Committee as well as a member of the Bench-Bar Committee, Fee Disputes and the Surrogate's Court Committee.
32 Gateway Lane, Manorville, NY 11949
ph:631-878-4171 • fx:631-874-5058
Services - Areas of Practice
Estate AdministrationEstate Planning
Wrongful Death Proceedings
Personal Injury
Real Estate
"This Thanksgiving, I will be giving thanks for your expertise and kindness after my uncle's passing. We are truly grateful." ~ Richard D.